Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Notes from Far Flung Places

The website associated with this blog, http://www.greenportvillage.com/, has more than a few readers from the Philippines all courtesy of word of mouth from a fine fellow who vacationed here during the summer as a child.  I'm sure they will recognize Shaw Boulevard (if memory serves me) in Mandaluyong City - essentially dead center Manila.

Well over half a century ago, our family almost moved there - I mean right there - as my father was offered a position with Gulf Oil as the assistant general manager in the Philippines and S.E. Asia. He didn't take the position and my life was led here rather than a life that started there.

One of the perks was membership in the WackWack Golf and Country Club.  Aside from a terrific name (you can view their website here: http://www.wackwack.com/) it represented a zone so foreign to my then 5 years old world view I am not sure, looking back, on what I would have made of it.  My dad was there during WWII and although he recognized the career opportunity, his memories of less than a decade before were too vivid for him to cope with it.  Gulf Oil flew him and my mom there to check it out and he did get to play WackWack but in the end, they declined and I was relegated to life in the Midwest. 

It is in that context that when I check for "visitors" to the greenportvillage.com website and find that 100 or so this month alone have found their way here that I think about me finding my way there in some sort of cosmic "near miss" of circumstances.

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